Exhibition "Blossom: the life in color", Gallery in the Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg, France

The serie “Blossom” contains paintings produced in technic of oil on canvas. Part of the paintings are 50-50 size and part are 100-100 and there is also one painting with the size of 150-150. They were made during last 2 years and were exhibited in April 2017 in Myronova gallery in Kyiv Ukraine. Serie Blossom is a symbol of Renaissance, new life in colour. It is a also a colourful resemblance of the Ukrainian traditional necklace.
Place: Gallery in the Palais de l'Europe, Avenue de l'Europe, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Dates: from 05/03/2018 to 29/03/2018
Link to event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1862205110517781